Why choose wool knitting


Fleece is a soft and bulky knitted or woven fabric, def […]

Fleece is a soft and bulky knitted or woven fabric, defined by its thick, soft nap and deep-pile. It can be knitted or woven, synthetic or natural, and is typically made of wool or cotton in a plain, twill, pile or knitted weave. The deep, soft pile of fleece is obtained by heavily napping the textile with wire brushes or through a pile weave. This fabric structure allows fleece to insulate well without being too heavy. Fleece has a deep, soft nap or pile obtained by heavily napping with wire brushes or with a pile weave.


This provides air space giving good insulating properties without too much weight. However, because of the deep pile, fleece is a rather bulky fabric, which makes it better suited for certain applications over others. The nap of the fabric eventually wears out over time, but good quality cloth can last a long time. Because of its excellent insulation properties, fleece is a very warm fabric and is often used in seasonal attire designed for colder climates. Some of its most common applications include blankets, sweaters, jackets, mittens, scarves and hats.


Synthetic fleece is often employed as an alternative to wool because it is typically softer and less irritating to the skin without sacrificing warmth or quality. Fleece is not a single type of fabric, but rather an umbrella for a number of synthetic and natural varieties.Cotton Fleece is a knitted fleece with one smooth side and one brushed side, which yields a soft nap. Sourced from luxurious natual cotton, cotton fleece is less bulky than synthetic fleeces, but is nevertheless celebrated for its absorbency and warmth retention.Rayon Fleece is a variety of fleece made from the semi-synthetic fiber, rayon, which is a manufactured regenerated cellulose fiber.


Unlike other, bulkier bonded fabrics fleeces, rayon has a beautiful silky drape that is similar to nylon. Rayon fleece is soft, smooth, highly absorbent, and breathable rather than insulating, making it a fleece variety that has applications across a wider range of climates.Hemp Fleece is a variety of fleece fabric that is typically smooth on one side and has a thick soft nap on the other side. A type of terry fabric, the fleece has extended loops of thread, which are brushed to lend a softer and fuller feel to the fabric. Hemp fleece is known for having a high absorbency.Bamboo Fleece is a sustainable and durable variety of fleece known for its absorbency. Made from the cellulose of the fast-growing bamboo plant, it is a popular varietal known for its soft texture and silky drape, a characteristic that distinguishes it from other types of fleece.

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